Why sprout?

We’ve gotten so many questions about how we chose our practice name, so we’ll share more details here.

We wanted a name that embodies new growth, turning over a new leaf, and a nourishing feel. We also wanted an image that lets everyone know that this is a small office – not a large conglomerate medical system. We wanted the practice name and image to embody a more personal feel.

We loved the image of a tiny sprout coming up against all odds, maybe through a small crack in otherwise solid concrete. Under impossible circumstances, in a world dominated by large medical systems with an impersonal feel (like that concrete), that tiny sprout braves its way in the world. We also loved the idea that this little sprout has the potential to change its landscape considerably, just by holding its own. Maybe that sprout will grow into a mighty oak tree in the future, but it is perfectly content with its place in the world right now.

It is also a reference to Dr. Otto’s family and childhood. She grew up in a small farming community in Northeastern Kansas and her grandpa was a farmer (as were many other relatives) and lived a short 3 mile drive down the dusty gravel road from her house in town. Growing up, she spent countless hours playing and helping out on that farm, riding along with Grandpa on the tractor during planting and harvest, helping Grandma plant and tend the garden, and enjoying all the fresh produce. The sprout image brings back these amazing memories from childhood.